December 31, 2019

Today we explored a lot of the famous sites across London while continuing to catch up with each other. More of our colleagues came to town today as we prepared to celebrate the new year and the New Decade that evening. 

Today I worshiped at Southwark Cathedral 

That evening, we went out to celebrate the new year and decade and had the privilege of experiencing it in London with the climax of the evening being the fireworks over the River Thames.

December 30, 2019

Today I spend the morning exploring Norwich Cathedrals, Churches and the Castle. Norwich is a beautiful town full of rich history and wonderful people. From Norwich I traveled to Ipswich and from Ipswich I traveled to London, where I met up with some fellow YAGM and TFG colleagues. 

I worshiped that morning at the Norwich cathedral for morning communion. 

We spent the evening catching up, and more importantly checking in with each other, praising our triumphs, and walking along in our sorrows as this year has had its ups and downs for everyone across the program. 

December 29, 2019

Today was a very special day for me, I attended church at St Mary Magdalene in Sandringham. I attended the 8:30 service as a worshiping parishioner, and I attended the 10:00 as a standard citizen. The importance of attending church at this location on this date is that this is the church that HM Queen Elizabeth II attends, and she was in attendance during the 10:00 am church service. At my closest, I was roughly 25 feet from her and the rest of the royals in attendance that day. Following the services that day, I took the train to Norwich and arrived in the late evening, staying once again with a nice local family.

I did not take notes on the sermon given, so check out a reflection on the lectionary for the Sunday here

December 28, 2019

On Todays Adventure, I continued to explore Cambridge before boarding my train and heading to Kings Lynn. Kings Lynn has a connection to the Pacific Northwest, as the man that Vancouver is named after came from Kings Lynn. I attended worship services at the Kings Lynn Minster and from Kings Lynn I traveled to Sandringham for the evening, where I stayed with a nice local family for the evening. 

December 27, 2019 

Today I left on a pilgrimage across South East England, follow along on here to find out where I am going and what I am doing. 

Click here to read my blog post about pilgrimages, 

Click here to read my blog post about the importance of taking communion.

On todays Travel I went from Leeds to Peterborough to visit their Cathedral and attend morning communion. I then continued onto Cambridge, where I explored the city and attended a evening service that night. 

December 26, 2019

Today was Boxing day in the UK. To read about the history behind this national holiday check out the link here 

December 25, 2019 

I spent the day with the lady I am living with today and some of her friends, we exchanged gifts, laughter, drinks, and fellowship. We watched the queens speech in the afternoon before sitting down to a traditional Christmas meal. 

December 24, 2019

Today is Christmas Eve, and we had the crib service in the afternoon, read about what that is here.

December 23, 2019

Today I spent the day with Cathy. She and her family have become a second family to me here in the UK. We spent the day laughing, playing games, and having a wonderful time making memories together. 

December 22, 2019 

I was out assisting with the Jr Church today, so please read a reflection on the lectionary for the day here. 

December 21, 2019 

Today I spent the day with my friends and fellow volunteers in Manchester. We explored the Christmas market and a few Burroughs of Manchester before I headed back to Leeds that night. I am forever grateful for these precious friendships I have. 

December 20, 2019

Today we had a toddler group as well as the Tolbert School come do their annual Christmas performance. In the evening I left for Manchester, and had a wonderful Christmas evening with my friends in Manchester. 

December 19, 2019

Today Nursery 22 came to St Andrew’s and they presented the nativity for the parents. In the afternoon, Beverley and I had our final presentation to Tolbert Nursery. 

December 18, 2019

Today Beverly and I had presentations at Roundhay St John’s to tell the Christmas Story. 

December 17, 2019 

Today Beverley and I had presentations to the Tolbert Nursery School, this is the first of a series for the Christmas season. 

December 16, 2019 

Today I traveled to visit the other YAGM in Hull. We spent the day exploring the museums and the natural wonder of Hull. We also attended a carol service at the minster in Hull. 

December 15, 2019 

Read a reflection on the daily lectionary here. 

In the afternoon we had our christingle service, check out my blog post here about what that is. 

December 14, 2019 

Today was the Messy Church for the month. This one is the biggest one of the year, as it is the Christmas season. There was also a Christmas card sort at the church today ( To save on stamps for the entire congregation) as well as brass band concert in the evening. 

December 13, 2019

Today I had toddlers play group, followed by Kidfit and the Elders Christmas Party that evening. 

December 12, 2019 

I had today off, I went out adventuring around Leeds. 

December 11, 2019 

Today I have a toddler play group followed by Lunch Club and then Eco Club in the evening. 

December 10, 2019

Today, I had one of our toddler play groups. 

December 09, 2019

Today I had various administrative meetings as well as attending the annual remembrance service. This is a service that the church puts on in memory of the people that have died over the past year. Some of the fellow TFG volunteers came and visited me in Leeds as well today. 

December 08, 2019

Today was the final day of the scouting camp. We returned to Leeds mid afternoon. In the evening we had our annual community carols Christmas service, where the community comes, and the children help lead the congregation in signing various Christmas songs. 

Since I was not at church that morning, there is no sermon response this week, but please read this reflection for the lectionary used on Sunday here.

December 07, 2019

Day was day two of the scout camping. The camping has been lots of fun with the scouts and the leaders participating in different activities, games, and walks. 

December 06, 2019 

Today I had toddlers in the morning, followed by leaving on a camping trip with the explorer scouts (15-18’s). We are spending the weekend camping at one of the scouts campsites. 

December 05, 2019

Today I attended the Time with God bible study, music practice and the local MP debate hosted at the church that day. 

December 04, 2019

Today, was my final day in Oxford, and I returned to Leeds in the evening. 

December 03, 2019 

Today I was in Oxford continuing to explore the city 

December 02, 2019

Today I traveled to Oxford to visit a friend from Emily Groseclose 

December 01, 2019 

Today was the first Sunday in Advent. Read the Sermon Response Here