Prayers of Intersession

I gave the Prayers of Intersession today at church

Prayers of Intercession

P Knowing the One in whom we trust, and with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us, we offer our prayers for the church, the world, and all in need.

A brief silence.

P O God, you promise your church: if we die with you, we will also live with you; if we endure, we will also reign with you; even when we are faithless, you remain faithful. Strengthen us to believe your gracious promises. Lord, in your mercy,

C hear our prayer.

P Great are your works, O Lord, and we delight in the wonder and majesty of creation. As the earth brings forth its fruit, renew your creation so that all creatures are sustained and nourished. Lord, in your mercy, 

C hear our prayer.

P The heritage of nations belongs to you and your Spirit fills the earth. Bless presidents, prime ministers and chancellors; lawmakers, judges, governors, and county officials, sot that they reflect your faithfulness and uprightness in their work for the people. Lord, in your mercy,

C hear our prayer.

P You wash us and we are made clean. In your compassion, immerse all who are sick and suffering in your care (especially). Heal us, even when there may be no cure, and give us thankful hearts. Lord, in your mercy,

C hear our prayer.

P You called a people to be your own and yet you have shown limitless love and mercy to people of every nation. Open our hearts so that, like you, we welcome the stranger in our midst. Lord, in your mercy,

C hear our prayer.

Here other intercessions may be offered.

P With love and thanksgiving, we remember those who have died in you (especially). Give us certainty to trust the salvation that is in Christ Jesus. Lord, in your mercy,

C hear our prayer.

P Trusting and delighting in you, we commend all our lives into your loving hands. We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. 

C Amen.

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